Exporting project data to CX

CADMATIC data, stored in the library and project databases, can be exported and imported in a proprietary CX format. This export–import process can be utilized for various purposes, such as:

  • Transferring selected data from one project to another.

  • Exporting an entire project to serve as a template for new ones.

In the case of selected data, the export–import cycle can be repeated as often as needed to propagate modifications across the participating projects. In multi-project scenarios, it is crucial to select and consistently adhere to a single export–import strategy.

Export–import strategies

COS objects store information about whether they represent the original object or if the object has been modified. When a COS object is exported from one project and imported into another, the modification status is included in the new object. This way, the same object can exist in multiple projects, and any further changes made to the original COS object can be propagated across all projects by repeating the export–import cycle.

The process of updating the modified objects is simple if there is only one importing project and modifications are only made to the original objects. However, if a COS object is modified in the importing project, re-importing the data from the original project will result in a new object being created. Furthermore, if there is a longer chain of participating projects, the sequence in which exports and imports are performed becomes more important and can influence whether the process will update objects or create new ones.

In multi-project scenarios, we recommend implementing data updates in one of the following ways, without mixing the methods:

  • Transfer data from Project 1 to all other projects, one project at a time.

    • If an object is edited in Project 1, repeat the export-import cycles to update the other projects.

    • If an object is edited in Project n, the association is broken: do not transfer that object from Project 1 into Project n anymore, unless you want a new object to be created.

  • Transfer data first from Project 1 to Project 2, then from Project 2 to Project 3, and so on.

    • If an object is edited in Project 1, repeat the export-import cycles to update the other projects.

    • If an object is edited in Project n, the association chain is broken: do not transfer that object from Project n's parent project into Project n anymore, unless you want a new object to be created.

Exporting selected objects

All object browser dialogs allow the export of selected objects to a .cx file. This file can then be imported with the Import from CX File context-menu command, either to the same project or a different one.

This can be used to transfer objects between projects, create a backup before making significant changes to an object, or to create a file that can be sent to Cadmatic Customer Support if errors are detected in a COS object.

Exporting a project

Using the CADMATIC desktop, you can export project data (including project settings, project library, model objects, documents) to a .cx file. This exported file can then be used as a template for creating new projects. This can be done during the creation of a new project or while managing an existing one.

Related Topics

Object browser

Creating projects

Managing project settings